Back from a Hack


As you all know, about three months ago, my Facebook account was hacked so I gave an immediate warning through my last post about the possible effects.  In order for us to be able assess the extent of the damage,  it was decided for me to lie low and stay out of social media while we are looking into how my account might have been misused.  Possibilities are using it for identify theft and since we are selling books through my website, use it for fake book sales.

Lying low meant no Facebook posts, no acceptance of new friend requests, and no response to private messages. All of a sudden all my Facebook activities have gone to zero. For someone who is  used to interacting in social media,  the first few weeks were unbearable.  I was limited to just reading posts and reading private messages  and making no reactions.

As time passed by, I started to like to play the role of being just an observer. I realized that in the past, I have been oblivious to the fact that the state of social media has deteriorated and my personal values are slowly being eroded.

Facebook posts have gone from the mundane to the inane and  to the insane. It seems to me that for some people,  the primary objective in making posts  is just to get the most likes regardless of  the value and the adverse effects  of the posts being made.  Profanities are now accepted and tolerated as just commonplace. And the worst part of it is in the past, I was beginning to like it – taking everything as just entertainment.


Actually, I was starting to enjoy being silent but it dawned on me that if I kept doing so, it would give my hacker total victory.  No matter how good your intentions are, it is no guarantee that somebody will not harm you in any way.

So I am back to business as usual.

1.Starting August 1, 2019 we will resume posting the Top Ten Smart Money Moves.

2.  I will continue sharing TRT TRADING LESSONS based on the first book I have written: “The Responsible Trader – A Thinking Person’s Guide for Trading the Philippine Stock Market” and provide some glimpse on my soon to be released second book: “Swing Trading with TRT – A Definitive Guide for Swing Trading the Philippine Stock Market.”


4.  Share TRT SAYS (My Random Thoughts on Trading and on Life) from time-to-time. Somebody suggested that I change it to TRT WOW’s (The Responsible Trader’s Words of Wisdom) but I prefer TRT Says as I explained in my second book.


While doing good is no guarantee that people will not harm you in any way, It should not be a reason for you not to continue doing so. So, I AM BACK FROM A HACK and this time better and stronger.

I am looking forward to sharing and learning with you again.

Good luck on all your trades.



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