After a long hiatus, I am back to blogging again.
I have been working on my third book – “Momentum Trading with TRT – A Definitive Guide for Daytrading and Scalping the Philippine Stock Market” but have been unable to finish it because of the feeling that something else is missing. Since this is my last and final book intended to be a legacy to the Filipino traders community, I wanted it to be something different – something that no Filipino author has ever done yet. Something that would add value to every Filipino trader and something that would be useful to them for the rest of their trading life.
A brief background on my journey as an author. Writing has been a passion in my life. Whenever I could, I would write down my thoughts on paper but just kept them for myself. It was only after retiring from the corporate world that I was able to bring this talent into fruition. I was inspired by the thought that I would write one book for every grandchild that my children would have.
So the first book “The Responsible Trader – A Thinking Person’s Guide For Trading The Philippine Stock Market” was inspired by my grandchild from my eldest daughter. The second book, “Swing Trading with TRT – A Definitive Guide for Swing Trading The Philippine Stock Market” was inspired by my grandchild from from my daughter who is the second to the eldest.
For my third book I was contemplating on an appropriate title. It became very easy when my eldest daughter gave birth to twins. Thus the third book’s title “Momentum Trading with TRT – A Definitive Guide for Daytrading and Scalping the Philippine Stock Market” covering the twin topics Daytrading and Scalping was a no brainer.
I have been receiving requests for Mentorships but I have shunned them all for the reason that I would like to finish my third book first. My mentorship would deal with all topics covered in my three books.
I have also been receiving partnership offers from some brokers to endorse their platforms but I have not taken any of them seriously. All these years, I have been focusing mostly on the PSE but have been playing with the thought of doing FOREX TRADING. Since PSE has already approved but not implemented short-selling yet, the opportunities for traders are becoming more and more limited.
The only thing preventing me from venturing into FOREX TRADING is the SEC’s warning that FOREX TRADING is unregulated in the Philippines and traders are entering the market at their own risk.
A lot of thoughts , a lot of plans and I could not seem to get anywhere. All these years, I have been praying hard to GOD to provide me the proper direction. After waiting for so long time, lo and behold I received a call from Ogie Paras, Acquisition Manager of OCTA FX and he invited me to join their team as a partner, Introducing Broker. Then he introduced me to Katherine Diwa, Regional Officer who approved my application right away. One thing led to another and before I realized, I was introduced to Liza Panovich, Cluster Head. All of a sudden I was already a part of the OCTA FX Team.
Please join me as I venture into FOREX TRADING and let us grow together in our Trading Career. The journey might be rough but I am here to guide you navigate the turbulent waters. As Responsible Traders I am confident we will be able successfully make this journey together.
If you would like me to serve as your guide, please use my Reference Number
refid = ib32216334 and log on to our website
I am looking forward to our journey together.
I wish you the best in your trading journey and good luck on all your trades.
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In line with our VISION, A RESPONSIBLE TRADER IN EVERY FILIPINOS HOME, we aim to continue promoting financial literacy on the area of stock market trading and investing to our countrymen both here and abroad through the following:
1. We have successfully launched “Swing Trading with TRT – a Definitive Guide for Swing Trading the Philippine Stock Market” last September 2, 2019. This book is the second in our Responsible Trader Education Series.
You can download Chapter 1 and see the Table of Contents here:
The first book, “The Responsible Trader – a Thinking Person’s Guide for Trading the Philippine Stock Market” provided all the basic knowledge that a trader needs to know in order to trade the Philippine Stock Market effectively and efficiently. The first book is about the basics. This second book is about the specifics.
2. The Book: “The Responsible Trader – a Thinking Person’s Guide for Trading the Philippine Stock Market” now earned the name “The Bible of Philippine Trading.” You can download Chapter 1, Section 1 of the book here: For those interested in the hard copy, please send email to: Subject: The Responsible Trader – Hard Copy.
As requested by those abroad and those who want the book in digital form, we have produced an eBook version. For those interested please send email to: Subject: The Responsible Trader – eBook Version.
The book can also be ordered online through our publisher, Central Book Supply. Just go to: then click Search – The Responsible Trader.
3. The Website: : where we publish our Stock Trading Lessons, and Inspirational Materials. (FREE)
4. The YouTube Channel: – where you can learn the course “Master’s Certificate in Technical Analysis” which was simplified in an easily understood manner. You can download these videos and learn them at your own convenient time. (FREE)
5. My Slideshare: – where you can view and download copy of the Powerpoint Presentation of my TRT-POV (The Responsible Trader’s Point of View) of the videos posted in our Youtube Channel. (FREE)
DISCLAIMER There is a very high degree of risk involved in TRADING. Past results are not indicative of future returns. Nothing contained in this newsletter constitutes a solicitation, recommendation, PROMOTION or endorsement of any security. In accordance with the Responsible TRADER’s Creed: I will never tell and you take full responsibility for all your TRADING results
Good day! Sir
Hopefully we are going to get an update about your forex trading journey from time to time. More power to your journey sir and God bless.
Hi Adrian,
Thanks for your comments. I will definitely give updates on my FOREX Trading journey. By the way, if you are trading FOREX now please try OCTA FX and use my Reference Number refid = ib32216334.
Best regards,